Tarma Landscape
Andean Village and Landscape Realism Oil Painting
Oil on Canvas Realistic Painting of a Leopard from Peru
Still Painted Bunting
Oil on Canvas Painting of Colorful Bird from...
Bushy-Crested Jays
Signed Realist Painting of Blue Jays from Guatemala
Realistic Signed Guatemalan Tropical Landscape Oil Painting
Zunil Town
Realist Painting of Rural Town of Zunil from Guatemala
San Cristobal II
Oil Realist Painting of San Cristobal Town in...
Sunflower Splendor
Sunflower Bouquet Oil on Canvas Painting from India
Nature's Delight
Signed Nature-Themed Painting of Flowers from India
Three Sisters
Original Floral Oil Painting on Canvas in Yellows and...