Gifts for Baby Jesus
Wood Nativity Scene Set of 8 Pcs Handmade Peru
The Flowering Season
Dried Mate Gourd Floral Motif Ornaments from...
Christmas Llamas
Christimas and Andean-Themed Red Knit Sweater from...
Birth Beneath the Red Tree
Ceramic Christmas Nativity Scene in Red...
Holy Family with the Magi
Handmade Ayacucho Ceramic Folk Art...
Owl Sentries
Red Dried Mate Gourd Owl Ornaments from Peru (set of 4)
Caring for Baby Jesus
Fair Trade Artisan-Made Wood and Ceramic...
Pepper Love
Artisan-Made Pepper-Themed Painted Ceramic Nativity Scene
Sweet Christmas Hats
Hand-Crocheted Christmas-Themed Ornaments (Set...
Suns and Stars
Cotton ornaments (Set of 6)
Red Christmas Carol
Christmas Cotton Red Holiday Ornaments (Set of 12)
Holiday Llama in Red
Hand Painted Holiday Llama Sculpture