Dot spirit
By Edgmont47
This collection is about remembering that grief shared is grief decreased and joy shared is joy...read more
Ocean Blue
By Mholland
This curator from US has made 15 collections and has been a member since 2015.
My Kitchen
By Natalie
This curator from Los Angeles, California has made 4 collections and has been a member since 2015.
Cool Blues
By Natalie
This curator from Los Angeles, California has made 4 collections and has been a member since 2015.
Summer Sipping...
By Una
in progress...
By Marisa
This curator has made 4 collections and has been a member since 2015.
Summer Moments
This curator from New York, NY has made 2 collections and has been a member since 2015.
Dream Home
By vw13
All the things I want to have in my future home. I want my home to be comfortable and relaxing; my...read more
Best Selling Decor
By a1steak
TV development
Through the looking glass
By Kate
Artistic glassware and jewelry.
Sacred Waters
By Karen Elizabeth
Water holds spiritual teachings in its ebbs and flows, streams, rainfalls. The handmade items in...read more
Beautiful Blue
By LtTawnyMadison
For people like me whose favorite color is blue!
Around the world...
By Francie
Do you have your Passport ready? Travel around the world through this collection! A little of this...read more
Entertain Your Thirst
By Rocky Mountain Schue
How glassware can be the centerpiece for a simple family meal or the conversation starter for...read more
Mexican Magic..New Year's Eve at le Parroquia
By Mary Kristina
I spent Christmas 2004 in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico, and celebrated New Year's Eve on the...read more
By MexiCANDream91
Support children and their families from around the globe. Make an impact with each purchase....read more
Natives from across the Globe
By MexiCANDream91
Freedom, human dignity, human rights, empathy, awareness, after all, we are all humans why not make...read more