Bouquet of Flowers
Hand-Embroidered Sleeveless Rayon Top from Bali
Blossom Delight
Floral Embroidered White Rayon Blouse from Bali
Color Symphony in Purple
Red and Purple Hand Batik Textured Rayon...
Springtime Mallow
Colorful Floral Embroidered Rayon Blouse from Bali
Lovely Garden
Floral Embroidered Rayon Blouse from Bali
Flower Colors in Black
Floral Embroidered Rayon Blouse in Black from...
Pink Lotus
Hand-Painted Lotus Flower Rayon Robe
Vintage Magenta Batik
Handmade Batik Rayon Maxi Dress with...
Slow Day in Teal
Hand-Printed Batik Rayon Maxi Dress
Clouds and Waves
Hand-Stamped Batik Cotton Maxi Sundress
Azure Blossom
Blue Rayon Embroidered Floral Blouse
Smoke Padma Flower
Floral Embroidered Rayon Pants in Smoke from Bali
Snow White Kerawang
Floral Embroidered Rayon Tank Top in Snow White...
Slow Day in Amber
Batik-Dyed Rayon Maxi Dress from Bali
Timeless Tee in Green
Green Short-Sleeved Rayon Blouse
Timeless Tee in Ivory
Ivory Short-Sleeved Rayon Blouse
Onyx Kerawang
Floral Embroidered Rayon Tank Top in Onyx from Bali
Balinese Garden
Hand-Stamped Pajama Set with Garden Motif
Balinese Twilight
Fuchsia and Purple Batik Rayon Tunic from Bali
Jungle Groove
Multicolored Floral Rayon Robe in Rosewood from Indonesia
Warmth in Bali
Blue and Pink Batik Rayon Tank Top Crafted in Bali
Purple Forest
Multicolored Batik Hand-painted Rayon Dress from...
Balinese Waters
Blue and Purple Batik Rayon Tunic from Bali
Color Symphony in Rose
Pink and Blue Hand Batik Textured Rayon...
Batik Garden
Black and Royal Blue Floral Batik Long Kimono Jacket
Vintage Batik
Handmade Batik Rayon Maxi Dress from Bali
Kelud Crisscross
Chili and Azure Printed Rayon Midi Sundress from Bali
Windy Beach in Orange
Balinese Rayon Print Robe in Ivory and Orange
Batik Kimono Jacket in Blue Purple & Brown with Leaf Motifs
Aqua Sanur Shade
Lightweight Hand Crocheted Poncho in Aqua from Bali
Blue Batik Rayon Kimono Jacket from Bali
Rose Mallow in Red
Red Floral Openwork and Embroidered Rayon Top
Color Symphony in Green
Green and Blue Hand Batik Textured Rayon...