The Cat's Prayer
Yoga Pose Balinese Wood Cat Sculpture
Yoga Stretch
Wood Sculpture from Indonesia
Two Hearts in One
A Couple's Kiss Artisan Hand Carved Wood Sculpture
Soldier Duck
Teak Wood Duck Statuette with Soldier Motif
Love's Kiss
Romantic Wood Sculpture from Indonesia
Two Become One
Handcrafted Abstract Romantic Wood Sculpture from...
Meditative Calm
Handcrafted Wood Yoga Sculpture
Toward the Sky Black Yoga Cat
Black Suar Wood Asana Pose Yoga Cat...
Black Palm
Hand-Carved Wood Sculpture of a Hand in Black from Indonesia
Dhanurasana Mermaid
Signed Balinese Mermaid Sculpture Carved in Wood
Froggie Prayer
Handcrafted Wood Sculpture
Everlasting Kiss I
Romantic Suar Wood Sculpture
Ustrasana Mermaid
Hand Carved Signed Balinese Mermaid Sculpture
Modern Romance
Unique Indonesian Handcrafted Wood Sculpture
Divine Bird
Mushroom-Shaped Wood Sculpture with Colorful Hummingbird
Hand Crafted Wood Python Sculpture by Balinese Artisan
Realistic Bali Power Sign Hand Sculpture in Hand Carved Wood
Love's Embrace
Indonesian Handcrafted Wooden Sculpture
Mother Bird
Carved Jempinis Wood Bird Sculpture with Natural Base
Comforting Angel
Handmade Suar Wood Statuette with Angel Motif
Robin's Meal
Hand-Carved and Hand-Painted Teak & Suar Wood Bird...
Owl Lovers
Hand-Carved Jempinis Wood Owl Couple Tree Sculpture
Meditating Yogi
hand Carved Yoga Sculpture
Joyous Dolphin
Hand-Carved Jempinis Wood Leaping Dolphin Tree Sculpture
Bhujangasana Mermaid
Signed Artisan Carved Mermaid and Yoga Theme...
Hand Carved Original Wood Sculpture
Vintage Horse Head
Distressed Horse Head Sculpture from Bali
Mother and Daughter in Black
Hand Carved Black Wood Sculpture of...
Lover's Embrace
Charming Wood Sculpture from Indonesia
Wishful Thinking
Hand Carved Wooden Sculpture
Man in Love
Sandstone sculpture
Terrapin Trio
Three Hand Carved Terrapin Turtle Wood Statuettes from...
Crane Couple
Hand-Carved Jempinis Wood Crane Couple Sculpture from Bali
How Do I Look?
Thought and Meditation Wood Sculpture
Sleepy Kintamani Dog
Artisan Carved Balinese Wood Sculpture of a Dog
Canary Love
Hand-Carved Jempinis Wood Canary Love Nest Sculpture
Joyful Buddha
Handcrafted Laughing Buddha Wooden Sculpture
Peaceful Thoughts
Serene Meditating Frog Sculpture
Sleeping Man
Mother and Her Child
Hand Carved Suar Wood Mother and Child...
Triple Flame
HandMade Suar Wood Flame Statuette
Sweet Flight
Hand Carved Wooden Sculpture of Hummingbird from Indonesia
Dragonfly in the Sun
Mushroom-Shaped Wood Sculpture with Colorful...
Romantic Woman
Artisan Crafted Heart-Themed Hibiscus Wood Statuette
Holy Ganesha
Moment of Tenderness
Hand Crafted Mother and Child Sculpture