Flowers, Flowers, Everywhere
By Dalton
Flowers, Nature

Mixed colors
By Achuzz
Everything is colorful !

Under the Sea
By Mholland
This curator from US has made 15 collections and has been a member since 2015.

Affordable & Cute Silver Earrings
By Raquelita
Silver Jewelry is often more economical for a teenage girl than gold. I want to showcase affordable...read more

Beautiful things that reflect the earth's energy.

Queen Tickleah
By Queen Tickleah
I remember playing "Queen Tickleah" when I was a child. Whoever got tickled had to do whatever...read more

My night
By Lane
Night time beauty to impress a strong & attractive energy on the world

I Feel Pretty
By Missy
Everyone loves to feel pretty, right? I curated this collection of items that I think would make me...read more

Ultimate Stocking Stuffers
By Adventures of Alex
Cover everyone on your list and the UNICEF kids too...without breaking the bank.

The Good Earth
By Garden of Holly
A collection of jewelry that represents the beauty of nature and the art of people around the world.

Divine Inspiration
By Quagmilia
Spiritual finds

By Quagmilia
Creepy Crawly things can be beautiful!

B & E
By Kimevinc
Girl Time: In the spirit of shopping and having a blast with your Best Friend, this collection is...read more

By MexiCANDream91
Support children and their families from around the globe. Make an impact with each purchase....read more

Freedom Collection 2023
By MexiCANDream91
My Freedom Quest | Freedom Manifesto - Stop Human Trafficking - Human Dignity for ALL colors,...read more

Bee Strong Bee Kind
By Susana
Yellow and Black, Buzz, Bee, Honey, Flower, Hive, Jewelry, Art, Earrings, Ring, Bracelet , Bag,...read more