Saint Anthony of Padua
Hand-Painted Wood Anthony of Padua Statuette...
In the Village
Handcrafted Worry Doll Wood and Cotton Ornaments (Set...
Thank You God
Hand-Loomed Cotton Worry Doll Wreath From Guatemala
Emperor Penguin
Multicolored Hand Painted Penguin Figurine
Keep the Faith
Handmade Guatemalan Worry Doll Cross for Wall Display
Happy Heaven
Handmade Angel-Themed Wood and Cotton Ornaments (Set of 6)
Enchanting Owls
Handcrafted Pinewood Owl Ornaments from Guatemala...
These Harmonious Rivers
Hand-Carved Canoe-Shaped Cedarwood Catchall...
Folk Words
Traditional Guatemalan-Made Pen Holder in a Lacquered Finish
Colorful Macaw
Multicolored Hand Painted Pinewood Macaw Figurine
Jesus Revived
Hand-Painted Floral Wood Jesus Statuette from Guatemala
Floral Magificence
Hand-Painted Floral Orange and Blue Elephant...
Unstoppable Force
Small Wood Hand Painted Elephant Figurine
Flirty Floral Skull
Handcrafted Day of the Dead Floral Skeleton Mask
Floral Flight
Hand-Painted Floral Pink and White Bird Pinewood Mask
Hand-Loomed Cotton Worry Doll Heart Wreath From Guatemala
Volcano View
Cedar Wood Hand-Painted Decorative Plate from Costa Rica
Pink Fish
Pink Fish Wood Figurine from Guatemala
Yellow Monkey
Small Yellow Monkey Figurine in Pinewood
Saint Joseph
Floral Wood Statuette of Saint Joseph from Guatemala
Hand Painted Small Flamingo Figurine
Angelic Flowers
Hand-Painted Wood Angel Decorative Accent from...
Life Eternal
Floral Skull Wood Wall Mask from Guatemala
Saint John the Evangelist
Wood Statuette of Saint John the...
Angelic Union
Romantic Angel-Themed Wood Decorative Accent from...
Miko Monkey
Hand Crafted Monkey Mask from Guatemala
Mary's Corona
Hand-Painted Wood Mary Statuette from Guatemala
Be Happy Always
Handmade Guatemalan Worry Doll Happy Wreath
Connected Hearts
Cotton Worry Doll Double Heart Wreath From Guatemala
Glowing Guadalupe
Handcrafted Pinewood Mary Statuette from Guatemala
Blue Frog
Hand Painted Blue Frog Wood Figurine
Assorted Old-Time Buses
Ceramic Refrigerator Magnets of Guatemalan...
Yellow Enchantment
Handmade Cotton and Natural Fiber Decorative Doll...
Friends Forever
Handmade Guatemalan Worry Doll Double Wreath
Hearts are Blessed
Handmade Guatemalan Worry Doll Double Heart Wreath
Life and Happiness
Hand-Painted Blue Floral Wood Skull Mask from...
Salvadoran Girl in Yellow
Artisan Crafted Decorative Doll
Proud Lion
Multicolored Hand Carved Lion Figurine
Flower Angels
Hand-Painted Wood Angel Wall Ornaments from Guatemala...
His Eternal Love
Gourd Accent Modern Wood Crucifix from El Salvador
Tell Us Your Troubles
Quitapenas Doll and Wood Bead Mobile in...
Freedom Dolls
Hand-Loomed Cotton Worry Doll Mobile from Guatemala
Protective Angels
Guatemalan Hand Carved Floral Angel Sculpture
Holiday Skulls
Reclaimed Wood Skull Ornaments (Pair)