Grace of the Jug Bearer
Semi-Abstract Handmade Apricot Wood...
Hand-Carved Suar Wood Sculpture Crafted in Bali
Games and Fun
Cat and Mouse Cedar Wood Sculptures from Peru (Set of 2)
Lovers Embrace
Romantic Semi-Abstract High-Polished Apricot Wood...
One Violinist
Handmade Music-Themed Semi-Abstract Apricot Wood...
Saxophone Serenade
Music-Themed Abstract Apricot Wood Saxophonist...
Leaping to Nature
Polished Apricot Wood and Iron Frog Sculpture from...
Shadow Dance
Hand-Carved Suar Wood Sculpture of a Dancing Couple
A Girl and Cat
Fair Trade Modern Brown Apricot Wood Cat & Human...
Harmony with Company
Inspirational Semi-Abstract Pet Lover Walnut...
Enlightened Sanctity
Hand-Carved Kadam Wood Sculpture of Master Buddha
Double Yogi
Double Yogi Wood Sculpture from Bali