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Home Decor Area Rugs

Shop to build a better world! UNICEF Market's Home Decor Area Rug Collection helps UNICEF save and protect the world's most vulnerable children. Every gift you purchase helps save children's lives.

140 items

Zapotec wool rug, 'Summer's Day' (4.5x7) - Zapotec wool rug (4.5x7)

Summer's Day

Zapotec wool rug (4.5x7)

(Mario Chavez)

Wool rug, 'Water Birds' (2x3) - Hand Woven Bird Wool Rug

Fire Birds

Hand Woven Bird Wool Rug

(Efrain Curi)

Wool rug, 'Cheerful Energy' (4x6) - Wool rug

Cheerful Energy

Wool rug

(Sonik Sethi)
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